Use "flexion|flexions" in a sentence

1. An Antagonistic pair that works together to create movement in the ankle joint causing Plantar-flexion or Dorsi-Flexion

2. Au sujet du groupe spatial de la Briartite (réflexions d'un lecteur)

3. To test the hypothesis, anaesthetised pigs were exposed to experimental neck trauma in the extension, flexion and lateral flexion modes.

4. An anterior cervical plate adapted for lateral flexion.

5. Fixation of the ACL augmentation in 20–30° flexion.

6. Ankle Clonus consists of a series of rhythmic alternating flexions and extensions of the ankle

7. 10 Supports lumbar vertebrae and decreases flexion of vertebrae.

8. Contractures of the palmar aspect of the hand form fixed flexion deformities

9. Adductor Brevis: Adduction of the thigh and plays a role in hip flexion

10. The elbow flexion test: Is a specific diagnostic test for Cubital tunnel syndrome.

11. The knee joint allows flexion and extension of the lower leg under adjustable friction

12. An array of relief cuts is formed at the flexion points of an expandable stent.

13. Clonus is an involuntary tendon reflex that causes repeated flexion and extension of the foot

14. If Brazier effect occurs on a stalk, it will bend after 25 % to 30 % of flexion.

15. Joint reaction forces, contact area, and contact stress are dependent on flexion angle and exercise situations.

16. Anterolateral Tenodesis or Anterolateral Ligament Complex Reconstruction: Effect of Flexion Angle at Graft Fixation When Combined With ACL Reconstruction In combined Anterolateral procedure plus intra-articular ACL reconstruction, the knee flexion angle is important when fixing the graft.

17. An Antagonistic pair that work together allowing the movements Flexion or Extension in the Hip joint

18. Rupture of the proximal Biceps tendon causes painful flexion and rotation of upper arm at the shoulder joint.

19. Pain can be reproduced by active flexion of the hip and by active raising of the straightened leg.

20. After anatomical repositioning of the extensor apparatus the pins are screwed in until the flexion gap is spanned.

21. Physical therapy with flexion and extension exercises of the knee, and strengthening of the vastus medialis muscle follow.

22. Using a visual analog scale, three patients reported a reduction of flexion strength between 5% and 10%.

23. In addition, we found a significant amount of vertical rather than horizontal nystagmus under trunk flexion provocation.

24. Objective To re - evaluate upright flexion - extension myelography and computed tomographic myelography in diagnosing lumbar spinal stenosis.

25. The lateral flexion, rotation stress test, and lateral shear test are three specific manual Alar ligament tests.

26. The elbow could approach full extension and flexion at a right angle, but not achieve it completely.

27. The ancient soothsayers looked to birds for Auguries -- the birds upon the wing were the flexion of her soul

28. Normally the palm of the hand at birth contains several flexion Creases, two of which are separate and approx

29. When this extreme flexion occurs, the supporting ligaments in the Carpus can become strained or torn, causing injury.

30. Treatable Bedridden Elderly -Recovery from Flexion Contracture after Cortisol Replacement in a Patient with Isolated Adrenocorticotropic Hormone Deficiency

31. Ankylosing spondylitis patients who develop progressive spinal flexion may assume this posture to alleviate the pain of Apophyseal arthritis

32. 9 In the advanced case, the upper limb is carried in a characteristic posture of flexion, adduction, and pronation.

33. The Carpals are joined with the metaCarpals via the carpometacarpal ligaments AIDS IN MOVEMENT; The vertical movement includes flexion and extension

34. The main function of the Coracobrachialis muscle is to produce flexion and adduction of the arm at the shoulder joint.

35. In addition to keeping the nucleus contained the Annulus fibrosus also stabilizes the spine by resisting torsion, flexion, and extension

36. Clearly, flexion Creases have a significance of their own rather than only as appendices of the dermatoglyphic analysis and should, therefore …

37. Cursoriality Evolution Biomechanics Increasing stride length 1) Lengthen limbs 2) Loss or reduction of clavicle 3) Dorso-ventral flexion of spine

38. A Crease on the palm of the hand, so called because of its similarity to the transverse flexion Crease found in some monkeys

39. Results of surgical arthrolysis for extrinsic stiffness is often satisfactory with an absolute gain in the flexion-extension arc between 30 and 60°.

40. If microsurgical brachial plexus revision is carried out 3–6 months after injury, a reconstruction of basis upper limb functions (shoulder adduction, elbow flexion, protective sensibility in part of the hand, wrist and finger flexion) will result, depending on nature and extent of the lesion in a high percentage of cases.

41. Royal Manchester Children’s Hospital: “Management of knee flexion Contractures in patients with Cerebral Palsy.” University Hospital of Bonn: “The general method for Contractures.”

42. A Crease on the palm of the hand, so called because of its similarity to the transverse flexion Crease found in some monkeys

43. As the flexion angle of the knee joint is considered to be decisive for vascular injury, this aspect was also an additional focus.

44. However, the cervical spine is comparatively mobile, and some component of this movement is due to flexion and extension of the vertebral column itself.

45. A functional agonist of the PCL is the quadriceps muscle. The ischiocrural muscles act as antagonists by pulling the tibia backwards in knee flexion.

46. The above overview illustrates the areas of interest in flexion Creases in human biology studies in general and in studies of medical disorders in particular

47. And the plica itself (as the plica becomes Bowstringed on the medial femoral condyle).15 This results in abrasion on the condyle during knee flexion

48. Aviser \\ pronominal 1 er groupe (voir la conjugaison) (pronominal : s’Aviser) Faire réflexion à une chose à laquelle on n’avait pas pensé

49. The quadriceps muscle is the functional agonist for the PCL, whereas the hamstrings act as an antagonist pulling the tibia back in 90° of flexion.

50. Flexion of digits 2–5 results in Buttressing of the pads of the distal phalanges against the central palm and the palmar pads of the proximal phalanges

51. L’Altruisme efficace est une démarche qui combine l’empathie et la réflexion : la compassion guidée par les faits et la raison.

52. Non-achondroplastic dwarfs may have an associated odontoid dysplasia and if the neck is placed in flexion there is a potential risk of spinal cord damage.

53. 23 Results The common physical signs were tenderness in knee, positive grinding test of patella, McMurray sign, fricative, muscular atrophy of quadriceps femoris, and stretch or flexion limitation.

54. 20 Results The common physical signs were tenderness in knee, positive grinding test of patella, McMurray sign, fricative, muscular atrophy of quadriceps femoris, and stretch or flexion limitation.

55. Acceptants, those Jansenists who accepted without any reserve or mental restriction the Bull Unigenitus, issued in 1713 against the Jansenist doctrines as set forth in the Réflexions morales sur le Nouveau Testament of the Oratorian, Pasquier Quesnel.

56. Kicking technique for the Backstroke is identical to what you do in freestyle: pointed toes, minimal flexion at the knee, kicking from the hip in sync with your rotation

57. ‘The pelvis was Anteverted, and there was a flexion deformity of both knees.’ More example sentences ‘The patient showed external minor abnormalities, including hypertelorism, small mouth, and Anteverted …

58. ‘The pelvis was Anteverted, and there was a flexion deformity of both knees.’ More example sentences ‘The patient showed external minor abnormalities, including hypertelorism, small mouth, and Anteverted …

59. Tissue saggin wag Apparens t whe th subjecten s FIGURE 1 Average alteration in upper calf for volume eight subjects during posture and change as result a of ankle flexion

60. The very first shot with the Backspin showed me just how much unnecessary back pull and shoulder flexion and abduction I was applying with my follow through after release

61. Snapping Hip Syndrome (Coxa Saltans) When there is a snapping sound that occurs with flexion or extension of the hip, it is called snapping hip syndrome, or Coxa saltans

62. En dehors de cette remarque, il me semble que la réflexion sur le mal de Confiteor s'appuie sur le "déjà là" du mal

63. To be positive, the Sign of the Buttock must have all present: restriction of SLR concurrently with limited hip flexion and a non-capsular pattern of restriction of hip joint ROM

64. Afferentation - the other half of chiropractic; Treatment demonstrations; Cervical spine - anatomy, diagnosis, treatment with flexion distraction; Spondylolisthesis; Scoliosis; Bertolotti's Syndrome; Disc Degeneration and REgeneration; Chiropractic and the Immune System; Osteoporosis; etc

65. The N-Abler (B) Version Body Powered 5 Function Wrist-Left has five functions including Flexion, Extension, Supination, Pronation, and Quick Disconnect (which is on the distal end for attachment of terminal devices).

66. 20 Therefore, insertion of a femoral nail with the hip in increased flexion and adduction might help to lower the risk of injuries to the superior gluteal nerve and the gluteus medius muscle.

67. Les réflexions et questionnements se bousculent au fil des jours, s'agitent même, et puis tout s'Apaise C'est décidé, je laisse derrière moi la voile, j'allège tout au maximum, et je change de route.

68. When inflating the sphygmomanometer cuff above the patient’s systolic pressure induces hand muscle tetany (wrist and metacarpophalangeal joint flexion with interphalangeal joint extension, main d’Accoucheur, French for obstetrician’s hand), it is known as …

69. 27 Such soft tissue balancing, albeit minor in most cases, does seem important particularly in the early phases of flexion in terms of allowing the patella to engage well upon the prosthetic trochlea.

70. Bicipital tendinitis Rheumatology Tendinitis of the biceps brachii Etiology ↑ Activity of biceps or shoulder, especially if repetitious Clinical Shoulder pain aggravated by shoulder movement or resisted flexion of biceps muscle Management Rest, NSAIDs, RICE

71. The syndrome of Freeman and Sheldon (1938) comprises a masklike facies, low frontal hair-line, coloboma alae nasi, high philtrum, microstoma (whistling mouth), H-shaped defect on the chin, flexion contractures of the metacarpophalangeal joints.

72. Centerpiece™ Surgical Technique 7 The patient is positioned prone as for most other posterior cervical procedures, with the head secured in a Mayfield three-pin head-holder, preferably in slight flexion (Figures 1 and 1a).

73. For long-lasting operations a joint agreement must be reached between the surgeon and anesthetist on positional changes of the patient in order to avoid, for example, extreme joint flexion and low positioning of the legs.

74. Transfemoral amputations with more proximal amputation levels have the problem of secondary development into flexion and abduction contractures. This is induced by muscle imbalance, especially the loss of adductor muscle insertions when abductor muscle insertions are preserved.

75. Mais il est aussi le premier volet d'une réflexion personnelle, face à la renaissance des Chauvinismes nationaux et du racisme, qui ont tant de fois divisé les Européens et ensanglanté leur patrie commune

76. The palm Creases are named as follows, starting distally and working proximally (toward the wrist): Palmar digital crease; Distal palmar crease; Proximal palmar crease; The major crease at the wrist on the palm side is simply called the wrist flexion crease

77. Vous comprenez, écrire des Aphorismes est très simple: vous allez dans les dîners, une dame dit une bêtise, ça vous inspire une réflexion, vous rentrez à la maison, vous l'écrivez

78. Some instructors tell dancers to lift from "below the leg." But the muscles on the posterior side of the leg, or your hamstrings, are used for knee flexion and therefore would not make sense to activate when performing a correct Battement.

79. Peak measures of the following joints were identified during the initial 10% and final 10% of stance: extension of the hip and knee; plantar flexion of the ankle, midfoot, and MPJ; inversion and Adduction of the ankle; and eversion and Adduction of the midfoot.

80. Bebloom podcast 33 Episodes Produced by Diane Borcard Website Le podcast enthousiaste qui pétille et qui t'invite à te poser des questions sur la vie, à changer de point de vue et à trouver des réponses du côté de la bienveillance :-)J'y partage mes réflexions du jour, des outils qui m'aident à me sentir bien quelles que soient les